Origin Point Massage Training
We had a lot of interest in our Origin Point Massage Days! Taught by Sifu, who has massage experience of almost 40years, these days are not aimed at professionals. They are a way of passing on the movements and wisdom behind them to enable people to help their family and friends maintain good health. A series of hand and elbow movements are combined to enhance the physical health and improve the flow of Chi.
The best part of the day? Everyone go to practice on each other so everyone got a massage!

International Kung Fu Seminar

Sifu Nick Costello welcomed Lung Ying Kung Fu students to a Seminar at our Temple recently. Although there are regular seminars, this one had an extra tinge of excitement. It's the first time that adult and child students from Ireland and abroad have come together here in Slane to take part in this specialised training!
Meditation For Peace and Healing in Syria
There have been multiple killings and violent attacks around the world in the last few weeks and months, perhaps worst of all against innocent little children. We have to stop this slaughter.
​We have organised a Weekly International Meditation to send healing to the victims of this violence. We also will ask the universe to bring kindness to the hearts of these misguided souls who use war as a means of gaining power.
All human beings with kindness in their hearts, regardless of religious background, are welcome to join us.
We meet every Saturday from 1pm - 3pm to meditate. If you are unable to make it to our temple in Slane on Saturdays, you can say the mantra either at centres around the country, or in your own home.
Please contact us for further information.
If you would like to take part at home please use the mantra 'Fu Sow Cheng Ging Bing' for 15 min
Garden Maintainence
All things change! With that principle in mind we are making changes to our Feng Shui gardens, including the addition of an outdoor training area. Our beautiful gardens are however still open to anyone who would like to visit and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.