You Are An Expression Of The Divine
The acceptance of a creative force or source can only bring us to a conclusion of an inherent acceptance of ourselves as being a part of...

Hard Breath Negative Breath
It is hard to breath with fear, with anger, with sadness, with anxiety, with loneliness, with depression, with pain be it physical or...

The Disempowerment of Selfishness
To be selfish is like being a black hole in space - all things go inwards, there is no caring for others. It does not matter what comes...

The Disempowerment of Treachery
Probably the most famous case of treachery was that of Jesus by Judas. In the case of war there is always the traitor, most times it is...

Rejection of Spirit
We come from Spirit, we shall return to Spirit, yet in between, we shy away from it, we deny it. We sometimes honour it, we sometimes...

The Disempowerment of Self
"Me, I, Myself, No 1. I want, I need, I must have, I will have, I will do anything to have, look at me! Listen to me, give to me, take...

The Empowerment of Speech
The empowerment of speech is very powerful. At first we should study the way other people speak. Listen to the way they project...

Spirit And Universe
Where are we in this universe? What is our place in it? What is our future in it? These questions have been asked many times over many gener

Bright Thought
When we die and pass over to the spiritual plain, we are taught in a more enlightened manner. Â We perform this task many times until (if you

Know This
Is the air we breath, which gives us life any less a god?