To pit yourself against your fellow human being creates division, separation, resentment, jealousy, anger, conflict, uncaring, rivalry, a...
The Heart Knows
A teacher should never become your master. The Buddha once said “have no masters and be the master of none.” In the Tao and Buddhist...
Empowerment of a Father
Mother Earth, Father sun. Does this mean that fathers are likened to Father sun? No, not all fathers are good. The ones who are good...
The Disempowerment of Hate
The study of hate is something most students do not like doing, even to the point of hating it, seems contradictory in terms, don’t you...
The Empowerment of Kindness
Maybe one day the kind people will lead the world where governments govern and not rule. Govern with kindness, compassion and acceptance of
Know Your Value
On this planet we begin to learn of the universal Way, it’s Law and it’s Will, which is how we, along with all the universes, expand into it
Mothers are 'The Way'
Mothers, with the creation, gave birth to us all. We received life inside her, in the divine womb or chalice which is connected to the matr
Shaolin Kung Fu, Acceptance and The Way
In Shaolin Kung Fu, Lung Ying Dragon Sign, which derives from the Taoist and Buddhist Temple in Southern China, there is one very important
The Divine Feminine and Mother
Men can never understand how a woman feels when she bears a child. To have touched creation must be wonderful. A bond of complete love, bo
The Way and The Law
Please try and accept that there is a law in the universe and this law is called ‘The Way’. There is also a law by which we human beings liv